Don't you agree that there has been a huge mania about Justin Bieber lately? Okay, I agree- he's really cute and he's a good singer. But shouldn't there be some attention for other popstars too? Anyway- I love Justin Bieber. He's amazing, no offence.
Today is going to be really boring, I guess. I was supposed to have 4 lessons of 40 minutes, but -ofc- my school changed it. So now I'm done at 14.20. Anyway, I'm just wondering what to do this afternoon. I guess that will be the same as always.. Music, computer, tv, perhaps studying a bit. Perhaps. ;]
Happy Birthday to Adam Levine! The leadsinger from pop-band Maroon 5 has become 31. Congratulations, and have a good day, Adam :] - Not that you ever read this or something, but I just like to congratulate celebrities - :] // Ciao!
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