Easter & Taylor Swift
Firts of all... HAPPY EASTER! :'D Haha, my Easter for today was pretty cool. I went to a soccer match with my parents&sister, and now I've been listening new music. To be more exact- music by Taylor Swift. I must say- I thought Taylor would become a little star, you know. A one #1-hit singer, who would dissapear after some songs that would be dissapointing. But after listening to some songs of her, I really changed my mind. I now think Taylor has become a beautiful singer, all grown up. But still she looks like a fairytale princess. I mean, look at that pretty face, the playful, blonde curls and the beautiful dresses she wears while singing her songs happily on the stage. Haha, if I weren't a girl you would say I'm in love with her! Actually, I am. With her music. My favourite song atm is You Belong with Me, but I have loads more favourites. My playlist on my account on Last.fm showed me I've been playing songs by miss Swift only 83 times, but from today, I bet that number will increase FAST. I must say- Taylor, thank you very very much for making such terrific music! We love you! ♥
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